Illustration: "Brass Shield" by Alyssa Napier, 2015

Illustration: "Brass Shield" by Alyssa Napier, 2015
Courtesy Alyssa Napier/The Tech

"Brass Shield" illustration by Alyssa Napier '16 in The Tech (caption: "Education is not a shield; bullets go right through it." --Professor Wesley Harris, MIT), 12 February 2015

The drawings and writings of chemistry major Alyssa Napier ‘16 began to appear in The Tech in 2014 under “Intuitively Obvious,” a column inspired by the murder of Michael Brown at the hands of police in Ferguson, MO.

Timeline: 2010s
School: School of Science
Department: Chemistry
Life: Black Students' Union (BSU)Black Women's Alliance (BWA)
Career: Arts & HumanitiesEducation
Object: Document
Collection: Activism, Brass Rat, Illustrations, Rising Voices 1995-Present, Students, Wesley L. Harris, Women