Finding Joy in Making, and the Making of #HellaJuneteenth: Quinnton Harris (2020)

On June 6, [2020,] Quinnton Harris ’11 posted on Instagram:

“Juneteenth is a holiday coming up that we all know doesn’t get the love it deserves from this country. So my clique @wearehellacreative and I created a resource in less than 24 hrs to share the history of Juneteenth and how to celebrate it the RIGHT WAY...How about we use our resources during Juneteenth to pour back into our own communities?”...

The resource his Bay Area collective, HellaCreative, had just pushed live was the eve of Juneteenth, Harris went on video with [John] Maeda [’89, SM ’89] to discuss the whirlwind HellaJuneteenth effort, along with his creative and professional path.

"Finding Joy in Making, and the Making of #HellaJuneteenth," Slice of MIT, 5 August 2020

Timeline: 2020s
School: School of Architecture and PlanningSchool of EngineeringSchool of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Department: ArchitectureMechanical EngineeringMedia Arts and Sciences
Career: Arts & HumanitiesBusiness & FinanceCommunityEducation
Object: Video
Collection: Activism, COVID-19, Fashion, Magazine features, Pop Culture, Rising Voices 1995-Present