A Conversation with Shawna Young, EMBA ’15 (2023)

A conversation with Shawna Young EMBA ’15 on her experiences from North Carolina to Cambridge, from teaching high school to reinvigorating the Scratch Foundation at MIT and advocating for her community. A graduate of Howard University, Shawna tells us about being in a space where her classmates could be themselves, unapologetically black and ambitious. It set her on a path to focus on the access to advanced learning opportunities for children of color early in their educational journey.

Shawna tells us about the challenges of navigating both parenting and a career guided by the principles of helping the underserved, whether in the high schools where she taught, or through the Duke Talent Identification Program, or at MIT, both at the MIT Office of Engineering Outreach Programs and at the Scratch Foundation, or as the Administrator for Diversity Initiative and Educational Outreach Program at the Broad Institute.

Shawna closes by talking about the diverse community she encountered at Sloan, and how she and her classmates bonded over the challenges of juggling study, career, and personal lives.

Sloanies Talking with Sloanies, 27 June 2023

School: Sloan School of Management
Department: AdministrationManagement
Career: Business & FinanceCommunityEducation
Object: Audio
Collection: Administrators, Howard University, Recruitment, Rising Voices 1995-Present, STEM Education, Women