Curating the
MIT Black Experience

The MIT Black History Project

MIT Black History, then and now.

The MIT Black History Project began in 1995 with the goal of documenting the role of Black life at MIT since the Institute’s founding in 1861. These multiple roles have evolved over time and even exceeded those realized at many historically prestigious predominantly white institutions of higher learning. The Project’s continuing objective is to research and disseminate a varied set of materials that shed light on this rich, significant legacy.
Those who have no record of what their forebears have accomplished lose the inspiration which comes from the teaching of biography and history.
- Author, editor, publisher and historian Dr. Carter Woodson, deemed the Father of Black History
The forces that bring us to our present lives are tangled and complex...I am here as a witness. I am here in the name of story and its power to transform.
- Prof. Helen Elaine Lee in "Visible Men," 2013

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